I don't know about you, but when I visit a friend, I don't use their bathroom and trash it. Mainly for 2 reasons: 1. It's rude 2. They would have to clean up after me.
You wouldn't believe how people treat bathrooms just because they think of it as a "public" bathroom. Don't worry, it's not bathroom humor, just crazy stories from our bathrooms:
One time an employee found that someone had taken a permanent marker and written a vulgar message on our mirror. Permanent. Marker. Who does that? Who carries a permanent marker around with them to destroy other people's property?
Another time we checked the bathroom during the shift change to find someone had stuffed toilet paper in the sink and left the water running in hopes of flooding our bathroom. They also put paper towel in the toilet and dumped gummi bears as well. Sigh.
Another time, one of my employees stepped in human feces. Not on the toilet seat, not near the toilet seat, but at the door. So close, yet so disgustingly far away.
And for some reason, people have a hard time puting their trash in the trash can. The swinging door to the trash can is a little difficult, but with a little effort, one can dispense of their refuse. I don't think anyone realizes how much we put up with in a small ice cream shop with massive bathroom issues.
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